Plenary session three
09.00 – 10.30
‘Against the odds’
With Gulalai Ismail, Asif Mohiuddin, Agnes Ojera, Nick Ross
Twitter: #WHC2014
Accounts: @BHAhumanists and @humanism2014
Parallel sessions
11.15 – 12.45
‘Religion-inspired censorship’
Twitter: #WHCcensor
Account: @BHAhumanists
‘Threatened but not silenced’ No. 1
Twitter: #WHCtbns
Account: @IHEU
‘Threats to freedom of expression in the digital age’
Twitter: #WHCdigital
Account: @theBHAblog
‘Let’s talk about sex’
Twitter hashtag: #WHCsex
Account: @LGBTHumanistUK
‘Key challenges to freedom of religion or belief’
Twitter: #WHCbelief
Account: @EU_Humanists
‘Some case studies in free speech’
Twitter: #WHCcases
Account: @_CFIUK
Parallel sessions
13.45 – 15.15
‘A life dedicated to human rights’
Twitter: #WHCrights
‘Getting the message out: challenges to news and opinion journalism’
Account: @_CFIUK
‘The war for children’s minds’
Twitter: #WHCchildren
Account: @theBHAblog
‘Is there something about Islam?’
Twitter: #WHCislam
Account: @humanism2014
Plenary session four
16.00 – 17.30
‘Two talks on free speech’
With Philip Pullman, Taslima Nasreen
Twitter: #WHC2014
Accounts: @BHAhumanists and @humanism2014
I can go to the twitter pages as posted.
every time i go it says ” the webpage is not available”
can anyone helps ??
I can’t go to the twitter pages as shown.
Every time i try to hit on it , it says ” the webpage is not available”
Can anyone helps ??
Another issue; on Humanislife .
Why one can’t edit a page ( says because of typo errors ) once it is posted ??
Sorry wrong typo
I mean I CAN’T go to the twitter pages.
Can anyone helps ??
Another issue; on Humanislife .
Why one can’t edit a comment ( says because of typo errors ) once it is posted ??